Are you worried about your child's performance at school?
Looking for professional support to get your child's learning on the path to success?
At Hopkins we know that learning is a struggle for many children. As a parent of a struggling learner, you need a team that can determine if your child has a learning disability and next steps to help them reach their full potential. Educational assessments completed by a psychologist or therapist are often inaccessible because of affordability and extremely long wait lists, and they seldom include a summary of how the results directly affect a child's performance in school.
At Hopkins we provide those same educational assessments in a timely manner, at an affordable price to determine if your child has a learning disability. After testing we will work with both your family and the school to develop a customized plan for your child.
At Hopkins Education Services we provide affordable education assessments to determine if you child has a specific learning disability. All education assessments help parents and teachers understand the root of their child's learning struggles and are keys to helping a child succeed at school.
Have one of our education professionals evaluate your child for a learning disability with one or more of the education assessments we offer. All of our assessment packages include a full report and analysis that explains the results and how it impacts your child's learning. Our goal is to empower parents with knowledge and information so that they can make decisions about their child's education with confidence. Contact Hopkins to discuss which education assessments may be appropriate for your child at this time. Discover if your child's struggles in school are the result of a learning disability TODAY!

This battery of assessments evaluates skills in:
behavior skills
adaptive/functional skills
Includes written analysis and report
Includes consultation to discuss results and next steps

Select one or more individual assessments to target specific areas of concern.
Academic Achievement -Subtests in Language, Math, and Reading Skills including
Math Concepts & Applications
Phonological Processing
Letter & Word Recognition
Math Computation
Nonsense Word Decoding
Auditory Comprehension
...and many more
Writing Assessment
Adaptive Skills
Behavior Assessment
Transition Assessment and Planning
If you have had your child tested for special education and you disagree with the results of the school's evaluation, you can request an independent educational evaluation, or IEE from an outside, private provider like Hopkins. Our licensed professionals provide a full evaluation and discuss the results with you so that they make sense and you feel empowered to take the next steps toward helping your child thrive.
Call us to discuss your needs and together we can make a plan to get your child on track for success.