Fun for All: New Accessible Playground in Aurora
As a special education teacher for many years I would frequent playgrounds with my students of various ages and abilities. I can remember each trip to the playground was fun for most of my students, all except the students with physical/movement challenges. Unless you are a parent or caregiver of an individual with these types of challenges you are probably not aware of the lack of accessible playgrounds in Denver and across the country. Students with physical challenges who are not able to move like their able bodied peers often are left to sit on the side watching their friends swing and slide on a playground.
This is why Red-Tailed Hawk Park and Playground is such an exciting new development in SE Aurora. Opening on August 24th, 2019 Red-Tailed Hawk Park was a project of the City of Aurora and the Aurora Rotary Club to bring inclusive play to the community, allowing able bodied and kids with disabilities to play side-by-side.

With the motivation to provide a playground for Ashaun, a 7-year old Make a Wish child (and others like him), a place to play with family and friends. Individual donors, local businesses, and the City of Aurora truly stepped up and created an amazing playground for all children. From the ample accessible parking spots, to well thought out ramp grades, and a sweet wheelchair swing (pictured to the left) Red-Tailed Hawk Park has covered it all.
It is a heartwarming experience to see children of all abilities enjoy this beautiful playground. I recommend teachers and parents alike take their children to Red-Tailed Hawk Park to experience FUN for ALL!

You can find Red-Tail Hawk park at: 23701 E Hinsdale Way, Aurora, CO 80016